
Genius has no zip code. Our students are the proof.

"I feel like the people who are here really want to be here. They dedicate their time to get the most they can out of the program."

– E, Second year mentee and junior at Denver South

MMCO Staff

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Kelly Absher

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Jessica Fagioli

BradAllenReubendale_Headshot 2

Brad Reubendale

Stefanie Schneider

Stefanie Schneider

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Lily Werthan

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is built for governance and strategy, and works with the Board of Trustees for fundraising and expansion.

Associate Board

The Associate Board is designed for individuals who are passionate about our mission and who provide financial, networking, and thought partnership to the organization.

Board of Trustees

Creating connections and advocating to scale a proven model with one of the boldest visions in the state.