MMCO and Prosperity Denver Fund: Expanding Opportunities for Denver Students

Minds Matter Colorado Partners with Prosperity Denver Fund to Boost College Access and High School Preparedness for Denver Youth

Prosperity Denver Fund (PDF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that offers financial reimbursement to qualifying 501(c)3 nonprofits that provide college scholarships to Denver students. The organization was started in 2018, after Denver voters passed a ballot initiative known as Prosperity Denver. The ordinance called for a 0.08% sales tax (less than one cent on $10), which would be distributed in the form of reimbursements to nonprofits providing scholarships to Denver students.

Minds Matter Colorado (MMCO) has been excited to partner with Prosperity Denver Fund over the years to support our college-based scholarship efforts. This partnership has historically allowed us to offer graduating Seniors gap-closing scholarships in order to help support their college-access journeys.

In late 2023, PDF began the process to expand their core scholarship reimbursement program, kicking off a pilot for a High School Support Services Reimbursement Program (HSSSP), the goal of which was to provide reimbursements to qualified organizations for high school initiatives aimed at increasing postsecondary preparedness and enrollment among low-income Denver residents. MMCO was one of a select number of PDF partners invited to join the pilot with the goal of helping PDF build out the program for a wider number of partners to access.

Through winter and spring 2024, MMCO worked directly with PDF to provide feedback on the process requirements for the HSSSP pilot. After a number of rounds and a lot of great opportunities to dive into the details, Minds Matter Colorado was ultimately awarded over $70,000 as part of the HSSSP pilot!

The work done by PDF, MMCO and the other PDF HSSSP pilot program partners means that the HSSSP program will officially launch this fall! The HSSSP program, which reimburses eligible expenses of qualified organizations, expands the reach and scope of programs shaping the futures of Denver high school students.

We were overjoyed to lend our voices and efforts to the HSSSP pilot program with Prosperity Denver Fund and other Denver-area partners and can’t wait to see the additional impacts this program will have on local student support and college-access!

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