Genius has no zip code. Our students are the proof.
"I eventually want to become an anesthesiologist so it’s been really nice to learn what steps I need to take to get there and what colleges will help me achieve my goal."
– Z, Second year mentee and junior at Denver East
What Minds Matter Does. In A Minute.
April 15, 2018
Savinay explains what Minds Matter Denver does in exactly 60 seconds, which is no small feat.
Cold Brew Goes With …
February 2, 2018
So there is a new commercial out for Verizon that makes really dumb analogies about how certain things go together. They do, however, have a point. Minds Matter Denver has a simple mission–to prove that Genius has no zip code and that people from even the humblest origins can skyrocket to the top of society.…
There Will Be a Movie Today
February 2, 2018
At Minds Matter, we’re always thinking about things: students, mentors, teachers. While we spend a great deal of time talking about our students and their mentors we’d like to take a minute to think about teachers. And what better time to do so than over the Holidays, when you might be spending time with some…