"If you’re thinking about your future and are really passionate about what you want to do, it’s probably one of the best decisions you’ll make in high school."
– M, Second year mentee and junior at Denver South
Join Minds Matter Colorado, and you join a proud community of Colorado high school graduates who have gotten into a four-year college with scholarships thanks to what they learned in our program. There’s no financial cost to you or your family to participate, but you do have to invest your time and effort. In return, you’ll get the support, guidance and skills needed to not only get into college, but to find a school that fits well with your dreams and to secure scholarships to help make it happen.

Being part of Minds Matter will help you strengthen the communication and critical thinking skills that will give you an advantage when applying to colleges and for scholarships. We’ll also prepare you for taking the SAT tests.
We have partnerships with colleges and universities across Colorado, many of which guarantee you admission if you decide you want to go to school in state. We can also help you explore and apply to colleges anywhere else the country that fit the goals and dreams you have for your future.
Everything about the Minds Matter Colorado program is designed to help bright, driven students like you succeed in pursuing your education beyond high school.
As a student, you’ll receive these benefits at no cost (ever) to you or your family:
- Weekly mentorship from two dedicated volunteer mentors
- Paid tuition for summer programs at leading colleges and universities (in-state or out-of-state) after both 10th and 11th grade (typically 1–2 weeks)
- Three years of weekly college prep sessions, up to three hours each week, following a curriculum focused on:
- Preparing Oneself (leadership and identity development)
- Preparing with Others (community engagement and relationship building, communication and public speaking)
- Preparing for the Future (writing and critical thinking, college and career readiness)
- 40–50 hours of SAT prep
- Individualized support applying to at least 6 colleges and 30 scholarships
- Partnerships with higher education institutions that streamline admission and financial aid for Minds Matter graduates, which includes the University of Colorado-Denver (CU-Denver), Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), and the Colorado State University system (CSU Ft Collins, CSU Pueblo, and CSU Global)

We’ll be honest, the Minds Matter program requires commitment and dedication, but ask any of our students, and they’ll tell you that what you get out of the program is incredible and totally worth it.
Our program is designed to help you excel in the college selection and application process. We help you build the skills you will need to set yourself apart. We also help you get an idea of what college is really like. Minds Matter is a three-year commitment that will help you get started on the rest of your life.
- Minds Matter is a three year commitment from 10th through 12th grades.
- We meet almost every Monday evening for 3 hours from September through May.
- You and another student will be paired with two adults who will be your mentors the whole three years.
- Each week you and your mentors will focus on different skills and knowledge that will help you get into the college of your choice.
- We will prepare you to take the SAT as well as for filling out college and scholarship applications.
- You will apply and attend residential summer programs on a college campus after both 10th and 11th grade where you can explore your educational interests while living the college experience.

If you are accepted, you will be expected to:
- Make a three year commitment to Minds Matter Colorado
- Maintain a 3.25 GPA or higher (unweighted) while enrolled in Minds Matter (10th-12th grade)
- Attend 90% of the approximately 25 weekly sessions throughout the school year — this means only two or fewer advance-notice (24 hours before session), excused absences per year
- Complete all assignments covered during session
- This may require 2–4 hours of additional work between sessions
- Makeup work will be required for any missed sessions
- Apply to and attend a summer program on a college campus after both 10th and 11th grade (typically 1–3 weeks)
- Apply to at least 6 colleges and 30 scholarships
At Minds Matter, we look for students who:
- Are in 9th grade with a 3.25 GPA or higher (unweighted)
- Maintain a 3.25 GPA or higher (unweighted) while enrolled in Minds Matter (10th-12th grade)
- Qualify for free/reduced lunch
- Are committed to pursuing a college education
- Demonstrate strong academic potential, motivation, maturity, and responsibility

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Minds Matter Student. Our application period is closed for the upcoming school year!
If you have any questions about the program or about applying for the future, feel free to email us at mentee-recruiting@mindsmatterco.org.